
Types of Coffee Malaga

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Have you ever been to Malaga? Whether you’re from abroad or you live in Malaga, the way to order a coffee is peculiar to you. Thanks to its location it is an obligatory stop for many tourists, so today we want to tell you about the types of coffee in Malaga.

The different names of coffee in Malaga started in 1954. After the war many raw materials were difficult and expensive to get, coffee was one of them.

Coffee is the excuse to get together with friends around a table and have a good moment of disconnection, but in Malaga there are so many types of coffees that there can be doubts about how to order one. Today we tell you all the secrets from Marbesol!

How many ways are there to order coffee in Malaga?

There are ten ways to order coffee in Malaga.

tipos cafe malaga

Café central


1.Black coffee: without milk.
2. Long coffee: without milk and with more coffee.
3. A semi-long coffee: without milk and in between the two previous ones without filling the cup.
4. A short black: this is the favourite of coffee drinkers, short and without milk.
5. A half: half coffee and half milk.
6. A half-short: less than half coffee and the rest milk.
7. A short: little coffee and the rest milk.
8. Un sombra: It is with very little coffee, making the drink look like a shadow.
9. La nube: Very little coffee and the rest milk.
10. “Don’t put it on me”: It was born to square the ten types of drinks on the sign.


Types of Coffee Málaga

If you have ordered any type of coffee in Malaga you will have noticed that unlike other places where the waiter decides the amount of milk and coffee, in Malaga it is the customer who chooses the exact amount. It was born in the famous Café Central in Malaga.

We have already mentioned that during the post-war period it was difficult to obtain and on the other hand the owner of the Café Central saw how coffee was wasted as his clients either asked for less or more, José Prado Crespo decided to find a solution by creating the 9 types of coffees to order in Malaga.

If you are visiting the city you can’t miss a visit to this typical coffee shop in Malaga.

Over time and after seeing the success of these ways of ordering the types of coffee in Malaga, the roastery Cafés Santa Cristina asked permission to use it in their advertising campaigns and it became known throughout the province.

Now you know how to order the different types of coffee in Malaga, we are going to tell you some curiosities!


tipos de cafe malaga

What does the word coffee mean?

The origin comes from the Mohammedans, who called this word “Kahoueh”. It was the name they used to call alcoholic beverages, the same one that the Turks pronounced “Kahveh” and which, when it was Spanishised, ended up being called “café”.

Where do they come from?

The coffee plant originated in Ethiopia, the plantation in Brazil began with an illegally introduced cutting in 1727, and sixty years later the Capuchins brought coffee shoots to Venezuela. They came to Colombia from the French West Indies.

Types of coffee

Two types are used, arabica, which accounts for 75% of world production, and canephora, which is used for soluble or blended production.

Country where most coffee is consumed

Finland is the country with the highest coffee consumption, with an average of one kilo per month.

Country with the most coffee shops

Today, the country with the most coffee shops is Italy, although the first coffee shop was founded in London in 1652.

tipos de cafe en malaga

Besides coffee, do you like gastronomy? In Malaga you can find bars and restaurants of all kinds. Do you want to discover the best Mexican restaurants in Malaga? Restaurants with a view in Malaga? We already tell you that you will love the capital. Are you arriving at Malaga airport? Rent your car in Malaga and discover the best places in our cars.

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